So youse guys remove the rocker pedestals without the rest of the head studs?
I've never gotten a definitive answer whether that's OK or not.
--- On Thu, 8/14/08, Glen Byrns <> wrote:
> Another way is, as as already said, is the rope trick. Get
> a few feet of
> fine soft nylon rope smaller in diameter than the plug
> hole. Feed it in
> (not all the way, DOH!) and hand turn the engine to push
> the rope pile up
> against the valves. Total misuse of a crescent wrench will
> compress the
> springs enough to get the keepers out and offer a great
> chance for a home
> lobotomy if the wrench slips.
> ( I guess you could use a proper tool if you have one)
> Glen round-dent-in-forehead Byrns
> > I am told you don't even have to do the plug
> thing. A friend of mine
> > uses rags that he shoves down the spark plug hole when
> the piston is
> > half way down, then he turns the motor over to TDC
> causing the rags to
> > compress and hold the valve in place. BE CAREFUL with
> that one so that
> > you are in the proper orientation and don't bend
> open valves.
> >
> > Might be worth checking out before pulling the head.
> >
> > mike
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