Got a replacement temp/press gauge today... I had the afternoon free,
figured I'd have a go...
Drained the coolant some so I could remove the old sensor. Figured that
was also a good time to replace the seeping gasket for the heater
valve... Well, while I have the valve off, may as well take some time to
bead blast it... Plug the openings, blast it, make a gasket, put it
together. All looks good.
I probably should have quit about this time...
Back to the gauge replacement, I went to disconnect the old oil pressure
flex line, it's seeping, it's years old, and I have a replacement. Of
course the hose clamp for that is inaccessible, under the housing for
the heater core. Oh well, I was wanting to check out the condition of
that core anyway...
Front three screws come out easily. Back three... nope... Remove bonnet
to make room to work. Besides, engine and trans are coming out soon....
Wrestle with vice grips. That gets two out of three... Die grinder takes
the head off the last one...
Back to removing the gauge... I don't see any easy way to do this,
figure I may as well bite the bullet, and remove the dashboard. Jeez...
the MGB dash removal is a piece of cake compared to the Midget...
Finally get the dash removed, breaking my fan switch and choke cable in
the process... Find massive wiring harness damage... Repair or replace?
I have already patched up this harness in multiple places... Have to
stew over this one...
Well, guess you win some, you lose some...
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