Here is the legendary John Twist's answer to this question:
On Sat, 26 Apr 2008 14:08:37 -0700 (PDT) David Booker
<> writes:
> I removed the Brake Master Cylinder from my '71 Midget yesterday
> (this is the dual line unit) and was planning to rebuild it today.
> I got it out, drained it, took off the reservoir, cleaned it all up
> on the outside, and was about to take the guts out when I came to a
> screeching halt. How the heck do you get it open? Is there some
> special tool to hold the spring back so you can get at the little
> spring clip? Is it a two-person job? Or is it just that I don't
> have my tongue at the right angle and/or haven't yet invoked the
> correct sequence of expletives while paying proper homage to Lucas,
> Smiths, and Lockheed?
> I'm really hoping somebody out there has the special step by step
> that will make it all come out right so I can get the lttle beast on
> the road sometime before Spring is up.
> Thanks much,
> - David Booker
> (Long Island)
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