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Re: [Spridgets] soda blasting

To: Linda Grunthaner <grunthaner@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] soda blasting
From: Mike Rambour <mikey@b2systems.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:23:48 -0700
do have to rinse.

 Long answer is that Soda requires a different sized nozzle and more 
volume (I think) than a normal sandblaster gives you, you can get kits 
to convert a sandblaster to soda but they are just $30-40 worth of parts 
that you are charged over a $100 for. I don't know what the parts are so 
I can't help you on converting.  I just know the internals are slightly 
different and the nozzles different.  If you use a sandblaster you will 
waste all your Soda in minutes or even quicker.
 After blasting, the beauty of Soda is that you can wait a few days to 
coat the steel, Soda will leave a protective finish on that will protect 
a few days (they say weeks but in my garage about 4 or 5 days) and yes 
you must wash it off prior to painting.   It is very environmently 
friendly but will kill grass and vegetation by raising the pH of the 
soil to a point the grass dies, it comes back very quickly after the 
first good rain. I have not killed any lawn or the wife's roses but I 
have damaged the lawn a few times where it turned yellow and looked like 
it was dying.  The rinse is done with plenty of clean water or since I 
don't like applying lots of water to a unpainted metal surface you can 
also wipe with a moist rag using a mixture of water and vinegar to 
neutralize.  I have been told it can "stain" auto paint jobs but it has 
not hurt any of my cars.

  I much prefer Soda over sandblasting.


Linda Grunthaner wrote: 
> List,
> Can soda blasting be applied with a small hand held sand blaster gun the
> kind with the small container attached? Also as I understand it once you
> soda blast you will need to hose off the metal with plain water, is that
> correct? After this is done can I apply an enamel paint for the frame of an
> auto? I won't be doing this to my Sprite (but I may if I like the effect I
> may in the future) but to another vehicle that is pretty bad shape and I
> wanted to understand if I need to apply any other product to the bare metal
> after the soda blasting. Being I have never soda blasted before any tips
> will help and I have heard it doesn't hurt the environment and leaves a nice
> clean surface.
> Thanks Linda
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