Does he sell his work for $1200; price of wheels. Most such instruments
I've seen run in the 5k and above range.
Chrome wire wheels look sooo nice!
I don't consider myself a know-all of guitars but I do have a number of
vintage (20-60's) guitars and even an old banjo and 'fiddle' thrown in.
Personally, I'd put my money in a brand-name; Fender, Gibson, Gretsch,
Martin, Guild, Epiphone. Even other makes from the 70's.
You'll always be able to sell them more easily.
Seeing the asking price for the Les Paul Jim posted (he's a musician) makes
me wonder what to expect from my '58 SG should I decide to sell. Same
overall condition. I know its history..."one owner"
Just my two cents.
Keep the sticky side down! And you ax in tune.
On Jan 30, 2008 8:52 AM, Robert Weeks <> wrote:
> I know that some of you might be interested in this. I came across this
> site the other day when I was wasting time on the net. This guy makes
> some mighty nice guitars:
> <>
> I'm wrestling with whether I should spend money on 4 new wire wheels for
> the Midget or if I should take that money and get me one of these:
> <>
> It was mighty nice driving the Midget to work this morning. 45 degrees
> and sunny, just perfect.
> Cheers,
> Robert
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