> 1959 ah bugeye. In putting the steering column back in I can't
> find any exact guidance where the outer column fits. It seems there
> should be something that goes through the hole in the firewall, but
> from what I can figure out there isn't leven a seal there. The outer
> column seems to just end prior to the firewall is that correct and
> what keeps the wind from coming around it.?
Where the column comes thru the firewall, there is an accordian type
seal or grommet.
You should center the shaft in the hole in the f/wall by adding or
removing shims under the aluminum mounting point inside the footwell.
Keep the steering rack loose on it's mounts so you can twist the rack to
fit the shaft perfectly as this will help center the shaft in the hole too.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
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