.. but you know the REAL answer right.. it *glows*.. they can 't
even measure the lumens off those things because it's sooooo
looowwwwww... anyone could make a bulb that doesn't put out any
light and make it last forever. Hell I can make tires that will last
forever too but they'll be made of depleted uranium and will handle
like caca and cause you to sink to the hubs on an asphalt street if
temps rise above 40 degrees..
.. and no, I don't have any depleted Uranium
On Nov 12, 2007, at 5:28 PM, Frank Clarici wrote:
> davriker@nwi.net wrote:
>> Incandesant bulb, 60 watt, 8 for $1.98 at Lowes. Long life, 8 for
>> $3.98.
> snip
> Ya know I have this Edison bulb in my front outside light, I have had
> this bulb since I was about 19 and in my first apartment, in fact,
> that's where I found it. It has been in various lamps and outside
> fixtures for over 30 years. It's older than I am, it may have been
> used
> before I found it, it takes a second to come on and it glows orange.
> So if Thomas Edison made a bulb that lasted decades back in whenever,
> how come they can't, or will NOT make a bulb that lasts today?
> --
> Frank Clarici
> Toms River, NJ
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