What a vindictive mother nature can be!
It surprizes me, at times, that people live in danger zones, tempting
nature. Sooner or later, she's going to bite you. People live where
tornados frequent, hurricanes in the Carribean, California will someday drop
into the ocean, people live near volcanoes, over or near earthquake 'faults'
and some people even live where snow and ice and cold kills people. :) For
others, it's the heat. I'm spouting this last bit from ( non-existent )
memory, so don't quote me, but it used to be that people didn't stray far
from where they were born. I think it was within 100 miles? For myself, I
live 65 miles from my birthplace.
>From: "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
>We need to learn that there are some forces in nature which we are
>going to lose to no matter what we do with technology and government
>preparedness. How freaking arrogant we are to think that man can
>mitigate a Cat-5 storm! You pick up the pieces and you go on with life
>as best you can.
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