Please excuse me for slipping twice, but here is the message I wanted to
send. In my first email about the high oil pressure I said Gerard did not
know what was causing the high oil pressure in the block that he built. I
omitted some important facts. During a phone conversation today during
the high oil pressure crisis Gerard's first recommendation was to check
the relief valve assembly. I also failed to mention the car has sat for
almost a year due to drive train (drive shaft) problems and clutch
problems. Also, the car was test run at Gerard's house in San Francisco
with no oil leaks or over pressure. Maybe the engine is not vented enough
(only one vent on the side of the block) and maybe since the rings have
just seated there is substantially more pressure in the block forcing out
the oil. Did not want to give anyone the impression Gerard did not know
anything. The car ran in an acceptable manner (except for the clutch)
while he was helping me install the running gear. Gerard has always been
"spot on" whenever I have called him with a problem.
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