An excellent little treatise that only omits their national lack of and
refusal to acknowledge international copyright laws.
----- Original Message -----
From: "de Brebisson, Cyrille (Calculator Division)" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Do you trust Chinese goods?
> Hello,
>> The U.K. is also experiencing a need to recall items manufactured in
>> China,
> and theirs may be of a greater scale than here. It is obviously a
> world-wide
> problem that is now out of control. The London Telegraph is asking, "Do
> you
> still trust Chinese goods."
> I manufacture products in China, and the truth of the matter is, they will
> do
> anything to make an extra buck or two... (actually, most of the
> manufacturers
> are acually tawaneese, but with factory in china)....
> They will use recycles plastics (that end up breacking when used
> inapropriately), lower cost material anyplace they can (tooth paste
> scandal,
> lead paint stuff, the exploding capacitors of 4 to 5 years ago)... If you
> do
> not specify exactly what you want, they will use it to their advantage, if
> you
> do specify it, they might still cheat...
> I mean, we are talking about a country where you can "rent" a "model"
> manufacturing plant for a day to show your non-chineese customer how great
> your manufacturing plant is, how clean and how happy the employes are...
> And
> then go and manufacture in your sweat shop....
> Ho, and they know EXACTLY the quality of what they produce, they are very
> good
> at grading "copies" by quality on the first look/touch...
> cyrille
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