Debate and analyze this all you want. At the end of the day, people don't buy
US cars because they don't compete with the competition.
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct
-----Original Message-----
>From: Bill L <>
>Sent: Jul 10, 2007 8:50 AM
>To: Larry Daniels <>
>Cc: Spridgets <>
>Subject: Re: [Spridgets] A MODERN PARABLE -- No LBC
>Hello Larry,
> what has become part of the narrative of the WHY american car
> companies can't compete is their "legacy" costs. the costs
> associated with wages and health benefits paid to retired UAW
> members. pegged now at somewhere around $1700.00 per auto. how
> can they compete with that kind of a cost structure while the
> foreign makers have a younger work force without that kind of
> overhead?... and the media has bought into this narrative
> without questioning-------------that those wages and benefits
> were negotiated in the "good times" and the automakers, instead
> of putting aside the profits AT THE TIME for the future costs,
> in the form of trusts or annuities, SPENT the money in the form
> of compensation for ITS EXECUTIVES, bonuses, stock options,
> etc. now that the times are "bad", and they don't HAVE the
> money they should have put aside, they CRY.. .. we can't
> compete on cost...... ..... .. .. WAHHHHHH!..... take a look at
> what the management people make. Bill Ford, before he took
> himself out of the CEO spot had cut his package down to merely
> $1,000,000.00 a year until he could make the company
> profitable. he stayed that way for about 3 years, then
> abdicated. but that was a cut from the 5 to 10 million a year
> he took BEFORE that time... .. .. ... . again.. WAAAHHHHH!!!!
>Best regards,
> Bill
> "66 Sprite
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