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Re: [Spridgets] halogen

To: David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] halogen
From: Frank Clarici <spritenut@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 21:59:28 -0400
David Lieb wrote:

> Do your turn signals blink, Frank? Because of a relay? 

I thought that was a "flasher" ;) It says flasher right on it.
Hey I can wire a Spridget with my eyes closed but I can NOT for the life 
of me figure out a relay. Yes you explained it to me once (or twice)
But power to switch to device is sooooo simple and has worked for me 
trouble free for many decades.
I have a drawer full of relays lots of them came with horns over the 
years some Lucas relays too, all new. But I just can't see adding 
something that may fail where nothing was used in the first place.

Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ

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