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Re: [Spridgets] Ignition Cut Off

To: <uniquelittlecars@yahoo.com>, "spridgets"
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Ignition Cut Off
From: "Deikis, John G" <John.Deikis@va.gov>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:08:36 -0400

If you are looking for a kill switch, then check the websites of the
race suppliers, like Pegassus or Summit.  If you run a generator, you
can get by with the less expensive switch.  If you run an alternator,
you need the switch that protects the alternator.  A bit more money.
Instructions for installation are clear.

If all you want to do is disable the car, you can also get a simple
battery cut off switch at any discount auto parts store. I got a Bosch
plastic "giant key" switch for my '63 VW from JCWhitney for a few

A fuel pump cut off is not an ignition cut off.  If you want to cut the
fuel pump, you can wire it through a special oil pressure sensing
switch, or buy an inertia switch. The later is a good safety device in
case of a collision.


-----Original Message-----
From: uniquelittlecars@yahoo.com [mailto:uniquelittlecars@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2007 12:57 PM
To: spridgets; Sprite
Subject: [Spridgets] Ignition Cut Off


  Ignition Cut Off  - I thought i saved the thread on a cut off for the
car. i remember some one saying at the fuel pump and there was another
solution some one had posted . I can not remember what that was at this
time. I went back in the list but there is so many answers that were off
posts ( i know you find this hard to believe - LOL ) i lost interest in
looking. I hate to restart a post but could some one tell me what the
options are for the cut off.



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