I'm a tech official and it wasn't me. On my first meeting as a licencsed
tech official I sent a car away because the wheels weren't tightened and it
simply wasn't ready for inspection. Note, that in my 2 years of training I had
never seen a car rejected in that manner so it was a big thing for me.
Once had a car lose a wheel that I had done the tech on. However, it turned
out the driver changed the wheels between tech and practice and racing. After
he swapped the wheels he forget to torque them up. The first nut works loose
and then the rest shear.
Have seen a big racing slick, wheel, brake caliper & disc clear a 12 foot
catch fence at NIGHT after a hub failed.
Daniel1312 - working at home today!
In a message dated 13/06/07 12:24:35 GMT Daylight Time, wsthompson@thicko.com
> http://www.teamjamoto.com/dixeregionpage.htm#v8301600
> Wm. Severin Thompson
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