How dare you. (I can't even spell the name of the country!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Deikis, John G" <>
To: "Fisher or Elizabeth Jones" <>;
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Civility?
>I would prefer to not limit ourselves to just the Chinese. Bashing
> Brits was a breath of fresh air. Look at all they've done to us!
> Inches, miles, gallons, an un-spellable language close to being official
> at the expense of the wonderfully phonetic Espaniolish. Not to mention
> these cars. A nation of blacksmiths competing with engineers!
> Perhaps we could benefit by broadening the barbs a bit more: I propose
> LITHUANIANS! We brew good beer, make good sausage, eat a lot of
> potatoes, and produce fairly good looking women. We also have upwards
> to 300,000 illegals living in the U.S. and are responsible for most of
> the auto theft in Germany. What's not to like? Chester Riley's buddy,
> Otto Schmidlap, claimed to be Lithuanian. Michael Conn might be a
> Lithuanian!
> -JohnD
> "Money trumps peace." - George W. Bush - February 14, 2007
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fisher or Elizabeth Jones []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Spridgets] Civility?
> Given that this is a multi national membership, is it really
> necessary
> to make disparaging comments which quite definitely offend
> some
> members?
> I really appreciate all the side trips we take from time to time,
> just
> as much as the car talk, but I resent private opinions being
> aired,
> which decry my country or her people, or her monarchy. Just as
> some
> others object to American politics being discussed here. I'm
> sure
> others must feel the same way, but perhaps do not wish to speak.
> Sir, I am offended
> Elizabeth Jones
> Comfort, Texas.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Fisher or Elizabeth Jones
> "A gentleman does not motor about after dark." Joseph Lucas 1920
> _______________________________________________
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