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Re: Horrible Freight Arc Welder question.

To: Bud Osbourne <abcoz@hky.com>, "'derf'" <derf247@gmail.com>, "'Linda
Subject: Re: Horrible Freight Arc Welder question.
From: Billy Zoom <billyzoom@billyzoom.com>
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 07:48:32 -0700
I've used the Lincolns, Millers, and Hobarts.  I bought the little Italian
MIG.  I've been using it for thirteen years and it hasn't needed servicing
yet, but parts are still available online. Local hardware stores carry the
tips, etc. 
> try to get that little Italian sucker serviced by
> your friendly, local welding supply house.
> Just stick to the Lincolns and Millers (some also like the Hobarts)

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