You are quite right, and I agree with everything you said. My point was
not to make what we agree is a very good publication look bad. My point
is that we shouldn't accept everything they write as gospel.
I guess no publication, no matter how highly regarded, is above making
some factual errors. If anyone wants proof of that, just think of any
newspaper story about which you have first hand knowledge of the story
being represented by the paper. Usually, the newspaper account differs,
significantly, from what actually took place (and it's far worse than
that for the "electronic media").
Bud Osbourne
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 7:22 PM
To: Bud Osbourne; 'Herby'; 'Peter C'
Cc: 'spridgets net'
Subject: Re: Erik Carlsson Article
Hi Bud,
The key is that you are a Porsche owner if I remember right. I have
every article in every publication for the last 20 years on the original
Lotus Seven. You guessed it, I own two of them. Not a single one of
articles were even close to the actual history that I have from obsolete
books written by the actual employees as well as stories from those
alive. I can pick apart an article because because I am a specialist
with a
certain marque. My point is that all of the magazines even Vintage
Motorsports make mistakes.
All in all the Hemmings Sports and Exotics is an excellent magazine and
good deal in a world of expensive magazines.
Mike C