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Re: Judson installation/Sprite

To: Brad Fornal <tequila.brad@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Judson installation/Sprite
From: b-evans@earthlink.net
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:25:26 -0700
> Brad Fornal wrote:  "Geoff, contact the museum, and let them know one 
> of their "pieces" escaped and is Anaheim!!!"

Obviously (chortle, chortle), you do not keep up with eBay listings 
under "Antiques, Maritime, Submarine, Nuclear, Reactor".  I made a great 
sale and got good money.  And pretty good pocket change for the 
portholes, deck chairs, shuffleboard sets, and 16" guns.  Man, these 
people will buy ANYTHING.


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