Yhaaay!!!! (But still weird)
Assuming minor leakage....
minor weeping between block and head is
not the least bit unusual with the usual suspect head gaskets. I've had this
sorta leaking with a lot of Series A & B types over time. Seems like coolant
but it's
not alway green....seems darker so it might
be oil...or a combo.
Figure head or block surface may not be as flat as it could have been or maybe
gasket didn't "take" fully at one small point or another, usually around stud,
even with a bit of counter sinking.
Had the same thing (on dist. side) on the
1098 my Frog came with. No such problem
(yet) with my current 1293 with aluminum
head though it's got the special "impregnated" head gasket Rivergate uses, my
current CR being
just under 10.0-1 though CR isn't always
the thing. My PO'd 11.0-1 1340 leaked a bit on dist. side as well. Certainly
major at all though.
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)