> Jim Johnson wrote: "In light of the complaints about off topic posts
> I was initially hesitant to post this. Then I thought about my fellow
> veterans both
> living and dead. Screw the rules."
No, screw the complaints. Great, Jim, absolutely great!
One problem, though. What is that civilian doing wearing a Navy YNC
(chief yeoman) uniform? It only has three hashmarks or service stripes,
for a total of 12 years. Even if he retired on 19 and six, he would
have four hashmarks, while normal retirement and transfer to the Fleet
Reserve (retired chiefs, like officers can be recalled the rest of their
life) requires 20 years and four hashmarks. Of course the "new" Navy
may have changed. After all, they are ditching dungarees and undress
uniforms and adopting camouflage like the Army and Air Force (better to
hide from enemy fleets at sea, I guess).
Buster Evans
From the Navy of wooden ships and iron men