Dude.. ya gottq stop with the Sam Kineson stuff, I remember all the
good ones!
On Jan 17, 2007, at 3:02 PM, Jay Fishbein wrote:
> Let us not forget the memorable words of that great bluesman Albert
> Collins who sang the song: "I ain't drunk, I just drinkin'. "
> jay fishbein
> wallingford, CT
> http://home.ix.netcom.com/~type79/ <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%
> 7Etype79/>
> "I look for women I know are gonna bust me up good. Come on, man, who
> can resist that? Who can resist that emotional pain? Yeah, they all
> have
> the same line, they're so sweet: 'I'm not gonna hurt you like all the
> others. Really I'm not. I'm gonna introduce you to a whole new
> level of
> pain!" Sam Kinison