Isn't it listed on the credits at the end of the movie?
> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 15:59:32 EST
> To:
> Subject: Woodstock - NO LBC
> Hi list,
> Been playing Woodstock (Directors cut) on DVD for a few weeks now. One of
> the tracks I really like is played not against a band playing but as the
> opening
> song - fields, tractors etc. Anyone know what group it is playing or the
> name of the song.
> The next track I'd like identifying is later on when they are welding the
> stage at night and stuff. Could be the track is Wooden Ships which I thought
> was
> a Jefferson Airplane track but it sounds a lot different from the Wooden
> Ships track I have on a JA CD - anyone name the band and track?
> Thanks
> Daniel1312 - tooooo young to have been at Woodstock!