Jeff Boatright wrote: "Possibly you didn't read the article and instead
just went with the headline. There's no "second thoughts" being
presented, just the normal refinement of assessments based on
accumulation of more data."
Honest, I did read the entire article, including, "The panel, however,
has lowered predictions of how much sea levels will rise in comparison
with its last report in 2001." Now, Professor Battarbee has warned that
the new data are "masking" and delaying global warming, when in the past
there were dire warnings of the immediacy of the problem.
My point was that science is truly still a very imperfect science.
Further, it is absolutely imperative to understand the biases of those
in the fray, BOTH pro and anti. The good professor is, after all, the
director of the Environmental Change Research Centre. If he cannot
present warnings, he and his "centre" are out of business.