I love it!
Ever been curling on Lake Laberge?? ;-)
On 11/29/06, Peter C. <> wrote:
> There are strange things done, in the name of fun
> By the men who moil on cars.
> The need for a part can get its start in strange and mysterious ways
> Today with some tools, a group of three fools will cut and flail away
> In hopes we can whack a piece off the back.
> It's a Billy Zoom Sprite Filet!
> The Sprite was a mess since the first SOS
> But it's since rested comfortably
> Amongst all the drums full of parts washer scum hiding away back there
> But there are bits left and with some heft we got it in the air
> Now to some thinkin' and maybe some drinkin'
> Then we'll cut out Billy's spare
> Ron and I and Gilly, too will see what we can do
> To cut off the Sprite's rear quarter
> We have his map, and we'll cut off the crap that ends up in our way
> Trying to chunk a piece off this hunk should take but half the day
> It's rainin', no complainin'
> It's a Billy Zoom Sprite Filet!
> .......
> (to be continued)