I do have the MacFliction and there is nothing wrong with that hehe
haha hoho off to the funny farm I go!! (Sorry I had to say that)
Anyway I have the comcast account, the software is Mail 2.1 for Mac's
but even when I checked email straight from comcast's website there
were no new emails since monday there either. That is why I was
wondering if something might have happened with team.net's side of
the account. I checked the spam filtering on my email software but
even if everything was getting listed as a spam/junk mail it would go
into my junk mail folder for me to look at. As well as that does not
explain why I did not have any emails when I checked the account from
the Comcast website.
On Nov 22, 2006, at 9:46 PM, David Lieb wrote:
> Kristi,
> I know that you are handicapped by Larry's MacFliction, but you
> should still be able to tell that this is being caused at your end
> by your email service or else the software you are using to receive
> email. List emails have a tendancy to look a bit like spam because
> they purport to be coming from one source (the list member who sent
> it to the list), but are actually sent out by another (the list
> server). Spam software tends to take a dim view of such deceptions,
> so if your threshold of spam is set too low, this is enough to
> cause it to dump the message.
> It would be more helpful if you were to tell us what software you
> are using or are you using the comcast web-based?