Thanks Frank and Brad for quick responses. Cable is in the appropriate spot
on heat shield, I will check the other end. Piston's go "thunk" when raised
and dropped, could be cable is frayed inside sheath. Return springs are
good. No poppets on throttle plates. Will check linkages to ensure thay
are properly connected.
I thought it would be a quick fix, but it seemed a bit wierd. I hate
working on cars by the side of the road as the sun is setting! Will look
more in the light of day tomorrow.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Frank Clarici
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:11 PM
To: Hal Faulkner
Cc: Spridgets
Subject: Re: FROG AYE gets a bit too frisky
Hal Faulkner wrote:
> On my way to Sam's Club tonight FROG AYE decided to act up.
Throttle cable jumped out of it's seat on the carb sheild.
Throttle cable is frayed inside the sheath.
Return spring (s) popped off.
If you have later SUs with the poppet valves on the throttle plates,
nip off the poppet and solder the holes or just get new solid throttle
Sand in the dome/piston holding it up just a tad.
One of the linkages is out, off, or loose.
Covering the intake is choking out the carbs and you will get fuel on
your hand.
It doesn't take much of a throttle opening to rev the engine.