> As a math major, I was always interested in the form of immortality (no,
> not
> immorality!) that great mathematicians and ofther scientists acheived by
> naming laws and theorems after themselves (Pythagorean Theorem, Fermat's
> Last Theorem, Newtons Laws, etc.) Thus I have formulated and codified
> Faulkner's Law: :It takes longer." The First Corollary to Faulkner's law
> is
> of course, "It took longer." The beauty of this is that Faulkner's Law
> applies to all forms of endeavor. It certainly applied to the fuel pump
> job: what felt like it should have been a two hour job took me well in
> excess of six!
Guaranteed immortality, but as infamy rather than fame, I am afraid.
We will all cheerfully villify you henceforth as our projects approach a
limit of infinity.