Yes you can drive without cable and not loose oil. It's good
she caught the inner cable length problem. Some cars use a washer to
distance the inner end from the speedo a little. If the inner cable
bottoms out or pushes on the speedo guts, the needle gets bouncy and
the bearing wears quickly. Better more play than too tight.
Peter C
At 04:56 PM 9/22/2006, wrote:
>Hello, I've got a quick question from a friend with a 1967 Sprite. She
>unscrewed the speedometer cable from the transmission and
>speedometer to replace
>it with a new one. Can she drive the car and not loose any oil from the
>transmission? She is having trouble connecting the new cable to the
>and wants to drive it to the shop for help.She did not unscrew the big
>plug,----all she did was unscrew the cable. BTW, the first new
>cable she ordered
>would not fit as the gauge end was too long and would not allow it to be
>screwed on. This new cable has the proper end to it. Thanks for any
>you folks can provide.Bob C