I bought their 13" solid wheels for my A series motor stand there. I
will buy most of their stuff, but not all. I am wary of their air
tools and electrical tools. If they are cheap enough to throw away
(about as much as the wife and I going to a movie) then I will get
them, other than that, I pawn shop.
On 9/2/06, bjshov8 <bjshov8@comcast.net> wrote:
> I spent quite a bit of time in the local Harbor Freight this afternoon.
> It's interesting to just walk around and look at the variety of stuff that
> they sell, but I can't help but think that some of it is too cheap to work.
> I bought a set of AC gauges on sale, and they seemed to be made OK and
> worked OK.
> Actually my philosophy with tools is to buy the quality that I think is
> needed, but not overbuy. So I might buy socket extensions at WalMart but
> not sockets. WalMart hammers and pliers are probably OK, Harbor Freight
> chisels and scrapers might be OK.