I live in an area affected by occasional hurricanes. I had a little
forethought and invested in a small generator many years ago so I
could have power at times, like when the hurricanes caused outages.
Hooray for me.
Now, hurricanes hit and FEMA uses our taxes to buy generators for just
about anyone who wants one in the affected areas.
I was tempted to get in line and get myself a new generator and scalp
it to cover the cost of my original generator and make a few bucks
No, don't worry, the government will take care of you. Don't plan for
or invest anything in case of a natural disaster. Just send more tax
money to good ole Uncle Sam and let him dole it out to whomever he
thinks is a needy person.
I know a guy who got run out of his FEMA job because of his race.
FEMA is a giant bureaucratic monster that tends to use the theory that
if you have a problem then you should throw money at it.
OK enough rant.