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Re: Brake pad source?

To: Joe Lansing <kidjoevid@yahoo.com>,
Subject: Re: Brake pad source?
From: "CHRIS KOTTING" <ckotting@wideopenwest.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 13:01:23 -0600
If the usual suspects are taking too long, check with an ordinary parts 
place.  The ones around here can usually get something like that in 24 hours.

Chris K.

On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:55:08 -0700 (PDT), Joe Lansing wrote
> Where can I get good brake pads for my "new" disk
> brakes off a 65? I'm assuming everything is stock off
> the 65 (rotor size, calipers). Moss has had mine BO'ed
> for weeks. Any ideas? Suggestions on
> material/composition?
> Joe Lansing
> 62 Sprite

Multiple Sclerosis 150 Mile "Pedal to the Point" 
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