OK, got the regulator off and poked around looking for troubles, found it w/o
too much searching. On the "A" terminal there is a big solder ball between the
underside of the A terminal to where it bends up to go to the one coil. I can
move the terminal side to side and the solder isn't holding to one side at
all, will make and break contact. It almost appears that the solder job was
factory, maybe this is 2 pieces to make it easier to assemble? Now, I can
understand this causing the stalling problem I discovered yesterday, BUT if
this were making the charging system quit, it would have also caused the
engine to die, not just the charging system. Unless the resistance was just
enough to allow the ignition system to work but not the charging system?
Terminal A evidently provides power to everything, it connects to the battery.
Thinking on trying to get this soldered back together and trying it, would be
nice to save it as it would seem to be the original (4/62 prod date on it). Up
until this show, I've never had a problem with the charging system.