OK, so I took the charger off the battery this morning and it read 13.5v, when
I came home 12 hrs later it had stabilized at a little under 13v. Right after
starting it, it read 12.6v, at high idle it was healthy, reading 13 to 13.2v
or so. At normal idle read a little under 13v, but after a minute at normal
idle it read 12.7v, but would go bach to over 13v at high idle again, so
figured that was all fine and good.
I did the check the book has you do when you pull both generator wires and
connect the 2 terminals, then connect the meter to the jumper wire, and seems
to pass that OK, at idle it's about 6ish volts, and it increases in rpm, at
high idle it's around 15v and if i blip the throttle higher it'll go over 20
volts like they warn you not to do (just was that high for a second or so,
probably "not good" to hold it there I assume. OK, so next thing they want you
to check is the wiring for those terminals on the generator back to the
regulator, so fine let's do that. Removed the big wire "D" first, and checked
out fine, but went to put it back on the terminal (this is on the regulator
side) and the engine died! "Being somewhat mechanically inclined, I figured
something was amiss". It did restart and tried again and it died again, so
figuring it had to be an ignition problem, I whipped out the wiring diagram. I
saw that the terminal A feeds the ignition switch. With the key "on" I had no
red light like I should have with the engine off. Used the vom on the terminal
A and nothing, unless I wiggled the terminal, when I got voltage it would
start right up, so I have one thing for sure "bad" with the regulator, unsure
if I take off the regulator if it's repairable. Also then, in search of a
charging problem, I tryed to check power with the engine running of terminal
F, the small one to the generator, nothing there either, but unsure now if
there should be, is that what the regulator is actually controlling to keep
the battery properly charged? Or am I jumping the gun? Maybe I should fix this
weird stalling problem first (by repairing or replacing the regulator) then
worry about the next step? Or does it sound like I probably located the
charging problem already?