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Re: Rainbow wipers

To: Brad Fornal <tequila.brad@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Rainbow wipers
From: Jay Fishbein <type79@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 22:02:34 -0400
For originality and if you can find inserts. And if you're not going to 
use them, contact me offlist.

jay fishbein
wallingford, ct <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%7Etype79/>

http://home.ix.netcom.com/~type79/ <http://home.ix.netcom.com/%7Etype79/>


Brad Fornal wrote:

>I found a set of these in the trunk of the 65 Sprite. Can anyone tell me
>anything about them. Are they worth cleaning the chrome and using?

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