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Re: CAREFUL!! VIRUS!! Re: Cat Launcher Game (No LBC, but

To: "Dave Yealy" <lbc@littlebitcountry.com>
Subject: Re: CAREFUL!! VIRUS!! Re: Cat Launcher Game (No LBC, but
From: "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 20:20:20 -0500
I tried the game on several computers. Nothing. McAfee didn't find
anything, Norton didn't find anything. I also tried 3 different
browsers - Netscape, Firefox, and MS Internet Exploder. Nothing. Tried
it on my Linux boot and also an old OS2 boot. Nothing. I give up. I
gotta believe something else was going on when the attack happened.

Jim - 68 Midget in Dodge City

On 6/27/06, Dave Yealy <lbc@littlebitcountry.com> wrote:
> AVG didn't find anything either and looking at the code on their page
> it didn't look to have anything malicious. I can't say what might be
> embedded in the http://www.insanecentral.com/arcade/swf/Kitty Cannon.swf file.

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