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Re: OSHIT BABE Rallye Pictures and Movie are up.

To: David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>,
Subject: Re: OSHIT BABE Rallye Pictures and Movie are up.
From: Bob Van Kirk <racerbob70@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 07:22:35 -0700 (PDT)
--- David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com> wrote:

> > during the I SPY portion it appears that you had
> to find things that began 
> > with the letter T, yet you had a picture of a cow,
> why is that??
> Isn't there something under that part of the cow
> that might start with the 
> letter "T"? 

  You must be talking about it's tail!!!!!
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