"Those carbs look great to me"
Well, according to what I just read on the
website, the current $350 price for O/H does NOT include polishing..only
and that's exactly how your carbs. look to
me (IMHE) Billy....."clean" (but old) metal surfaces as opposed to the "new"
surfaces on the new replaced parts (and
this finish is anything but polished...just
clean, new metal.)
Of course, this is just an opinion and as
we all know, opinions are like a--holes;
blah, blah, blah. :)
As a matter of fact, polishing isn't even offered as far as I can determine. I
for one, cannot determine the age of the "vice marks" but that's not a
"sparkling" (new) metal surface we're looking at within those "vice" marks.
Thus, I believe a "misunderstanding" in
terms has occurred, as Joe delivered exactly what he offers for the quoted
price, as far as I can see. (Could I be wrong?
Those polished on Tegler's website.....
about the results I got with a dremel and
buffer using an aviation type metal polish,
many moons ago.
And I think this is what you expected to see
(more or less) when you got them back?
However....only "cleaning" (rather than
"polishing") is offered according to the
current info on Joe's website, Billy.
What do you think? Misunderstanding??
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)