Has anybody found the horn and the turn signals wiring to follow a similar
route in/out of the steering column cowl ?
I have hard times with both operating.
Checked the horns .... not getting full or any power......
Checked the turn lights, bulbs, flashers, connections (clean), grounding,
hazard switch....
However...whereupon removing the cowl on the column I dont get any power
(according to the survey meter ) to/from the turn signal wiring ....(when in
and not in use)....
I hate the idea of having to put a new harness in.
I noticed the operational windshield wiper wash spray on the other column
stem switch has a hidden push fuse triggering device hidden in the screw
top handle......
However, the turn signal has the same screw top handle but nothing inside at
the moment.....Is this right ?????? It looks very suspect.
Dunno. Sheesh.
My apologies for the many turn signal / horn soliloquies that I have
miserably posted as of late.
Self admitted newbie in love with their 74 Midget.