Hey Y'all!
19th Annual British Car Gathering Sat. may 13, 2006
See link below.
Anyone on the list going to this? My fiance (who is as crazy about Spidgets
as anyone) has a broken foot and can not traverse the lawns, so I may not go.
Someone take photos! I will if I get there Saturday.
Lon (RedMidget72)
The 19th Annual British Car Gathering will be held on the grounds of the
Talley Ho Inn in Townsend, Tennessee, on May 13, 2006. As usual, there will be
a hospitality room open on Friday evening, May 12, with the car show and dinner
on Saturday, May 13. For further information and registration forms, please
contact Rosemary Garland at BBCShowInfo@aol.com.
Since 1987, part of the proceeds from the Gathering have been donated to the
Blount County Children's Home. Each year, as the Gathering has grown, so have
our donations. These funds come from registrations and corporate sponsors.
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