And BTW....
We should all have the GE Medical Plan I get in my retired position as a
security guard considering the costs
of medical treatment these days, premium
costs notwithstanding! I don't know what
your paying, but I'm paying bupkis and this
alone is worth the position these days.
And as I've said before....
Both my Frogeye and VW get to share about 10K miles per annum in local travel.
The Frog gets the good days and thus will
last longer at less cost, obviously.
As for girls....c'mon....we've all BTDT and I'm
not gettin' into "measuring"! Let's just say
I lived in NYC in the pre-aids days of the
60's when the place was a candy-store for
both sexes, and leave it at that.
OK....'nough said. :)
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)