My Friends,
My wife and I have been working to send a note to each and every friend that
sent cards and letters of condolences nearly a year ago. As we addressed
envelopes tonight, we found a stack of over a dozen unopened cards and letters.
Many were from my friends here on the lists. Words cannot express our
thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and somehow the finding and opening of
envelopes tonight has made the upcoming anniversary of our loss even a
little easier.
Thank you all, and please, no replies are necessary and I really do not want
to start a thread (sorry Jay).
Expect to receive a note from us, and an update on the grandchildren in the
next week or so. We love you all. God Bless.
Robert B. Houston
Texan in NM
73 Midget and others
John Bernard Books (The Shootist):
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I
don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."