AFAIK you can't use deadly force to defend yourself unless they are in
your house. And then you would have to prove that you were in danger.
Everybody says to just drag the body into the house, but I guess I watch
too many forensic science shows to believe that would work. I would not
be afraid to defend myself or family anywhere, anytime, but also
wouldn't want to live with the regret of taking a life needlessly or
over property issues. If you took a gun outside to scare someone off and
they reported you and had a witness, the police would be back to
confiscate your weapons and possibly arrest you.
John wrote:
>But you can defend yourself, right? Repeat after me "I was in fear for my
>life" " I had to shoot them" two guns, one to throw down, make sure
>you get them all....or move to Texas.