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Re: Fuel, spark...and LBCs

To: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>, <bmwwxman@gmail.com>,
Subject: Re: Fuel, spark...and LBCs
From: "Bud Pazur" <bpazur@excel.net>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 18:15:37 -0600
Cap'n Bob wrote:

> > Course, Phred is the CT rep to CUAD.

Our Mickey is an LBC (Large Bad Cat - 18 pounds of Black/White Domestic Long
Hair). I think he is the rep for the WI chapter of CUAD. But he cuts me a
break. He patrols the perimeter every AM and PM for rodents that might be
thinking of nesting in my Bugeye's uphostery. For that I keep his bowl
filled and his litter fresh. And - he gives me a plenary indulgence during


Whitey - 1275 Street Bugeye - soon to receive the Datsun/Rivergate tranny
from Silverstreak
Redd - 948 Race Bugeye - brand new engine!
SilverStreak - 1275 Race Sprite - soon to be made more VSCDA/SVRA-friendly
"The Buddha... resides as comfortably in the gears of a...transmission as he
does in the petals of a flower"

- Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and  the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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