Hell... I'll be happy to bow out. I have way too much stuff on my
professional and personal plate right now. I sure don't need another
listserv to monitor. I will, however, volunteer to help in any way I can
with the Golden Ann. Cel.
All I was trying to do was help by providing a central clearing house
for event planning. If it's not wanted and if people are leery of Yahoo,
then so be it. Bud Osbourne hit the nail on the head. We need to
all agree on a dedicated listserv and got going on organization of the
event. To me that means putting aside petty biases in favor of the
common good.
I will be quite now and wait until everyone agrees on a single listserv.
Once that is set up, I will refer the 31 people already signed up on
the Spridgets50th list to the new list.
BTW, I'm not sure what software autox.tam.net uses. Can you set
up polls, calendars, automated reminders, member scripts, etc
like you can in Yahoo groups?? Otherwise, Yahoo does provide
all the services you mentioned (including searchable ARCHIVES,
DIGEST & subscribe/unsubscribe) plus many more and you
don't need your own server and software - set up is a lead pipe
cinch as evidenced that *I* can do it!! ;-)
Jim - Disemboweled Midget in Dodge City
On 1/25/06, JustBrits_com <justbrits@comcast.net> wrote:
> <<I understand your position. The problem I see is that we currently have
> several different lists all discussing Frank's idea and going off in
> different directions.>>
> Agreed, Jim.
> << It would be an impossible task for someone to keep track of
> all the information being taked about on all the lists to keep everyone
> (hundreds of us) up to date and give them all a fair shot at presenting
> their ideas.>>
> Agreed.
> << How do we do this??>>
> Easy. Read further.
> << I really don't know other than by
> providing a single list for the discussion of this topic by everyone who
> is
> interested in helping. Yahoo was convenient to me because I already
> moderate
> a number of Yahoo lists and know how to use it and set it up.>>
> That's all well and good but I AM in complete agreement with David ref
> Yahoo.
> << Ed has also offered to host such a list and maybe that would
> be a better way to go. I don't know. >>
> I do<G>!
> AS some of you are Members of my ASSn List know, my Host Server Co. uses
> the exact same List Program that autox.team.net uses. That means there
> are
> And you may elect to get it in Digest form. And you can un-subscribe!!
> And it also is FREE (without ads & "tracking"!).
> Just tell me what you want it called and give me about 3 mts. (if I am in
> front of one of my 'puters<G>) and it'll be up and ready!
> Ed