I had them in a 12 ton press today and only managed to begin crushing the arm.
We took a sawzall to it then a chisel and popped it out.
Then had to reweld where the arm crushed a bit. I plan to burn out the
other 3 and saw them out like you say.
If nothing else I learned something this weekend. If I did this for a living
I'd be very hungry.
Phil Nase
Mine were so bad the rubber was gone! Made it easy as I borrowed a
"Sawzall", and made careful cuts just through the outer sleeve at 180 degrees
opposition and they fell right out. Could be done with a hacksaw. If your
rubber cushioning is really bad, probably wouldn't be a big deal to get the
rubber out so you could do it this way.
New ones can be installed using an appropriate metal object (a nice
selection of 1/2" drive sockets) and a vise.