Robert E. Shlafer wrote:
>It would be hilarious if the whole "rap thing" glorifying crime, the slums and
>the absolute worst in life weren't so stupidly pathetic.....
My wife was all ready to watch the Rose Bowl game with USC and Texas.
Then, the day of the game, she read in the L.A. Times that both teams
had "adopted" gansta rappers, having them at the practices and on the
field during the game. These examples of pond scum glorify the killing
of cops (and anyone else), debasement of women, and the general
degredation of civilized society. She refused to watch the game, and
has now given up all sports on TV. (Although my first career was as a
sports reporter, sports editor, and college PR flack, I long ago gave up
on sports that that pay a smelly jock 100 times more than the doctor
who saves your life or the teacher who educates your children. I
figure that just watching it contributes to the insanity and advertising
Buster Evans