Restored? No, I'm beyond repair.
FlounderVision for that evening wasn't in the plan (despite Team Thicko's
motto of "Tireless Self Promotion").. but it could be.
I delivered PPP's green deere carcass and steering wheel horn rack to his
shop in Madison a number of weeks ago. It may alredy be on a wall somewhere
at a bar here in Wisco....
-----Original Message-----
From owner-spridgets at []
On Behalf Of Dan Gillitzer
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 7:19 PM
Subject: Subject: Re: Birthday Party
I've been to the land of the big cheese many times. There are only
> two seasons: Winter and Road Construction.
Actually there are 4 up here. Starting with what is otherwise known as
they are:
Shoveling, Smelting, Swatting, and Shooting.
Flounder, what is the happy day, and will Floundervision be covering the
procedings live? Will anything be restored, destroyed, repaired or welded?
Will PPP be there with his Deere mounted?