<<Thinking about flying out to Phoenix Jan 11 seeing/working double nationals
at PIR, then around the 16 drive over to the barrett jackson auction to poke
around, anyone got any other suggestions of something else I should do while
there?Any one out that way would like to get together for a cocktail?
Got a cheap flight 262 return non stop a extended stay hotel cheap and a cheap
rental car all lined up>>
Way cool, Willie!!!
<<What else is an unemployed contractor to do in the winter months?>>
ONE thing!!!
PRE-pay all of the above and only take like $500 CASH with!!!
NO Cheques/checks and
NO credit cards and
NO traveler's cheques/checks and
MOST important??
NO Letters of Credit!!!!!
<G> and jealous!!!
PS: jealous of the "thinking" part!!!!! LOL