"I really can understand the Cap'ts positon"
Well, I'm just lucky that I'm in far better
physical shape, Jim. In my case, the idea is
to stay that way as long as possible.
I'd love to be able to do the things I did at
20 and 40. Thing is, I know if I do them I'll
get older, faster. Most guys don't like to
admit this. They don't want to slow down,
admit they're getting older, make changes
and adopt to "conserve" as cell replacement
rate decreases.
Their egos get in the way (I guess) and this
is where they get into trouble.
But I know older people. And I pay attention to them. I used to do the same
thing as a young pilot...pay attention to
the older, more experienced guys. Listened
to what they said...remembered it.
And I guess it worked. 23k hrs
flying the Northeast as a scheduled pilot....
electrical failures, engine failures, landing
gear problems, hydraulic failures, smoke in the cockpit, cargo fire warnings,
windshields, etc. ........and yet,
no accidents, incidents, etc. I'm still here...
so is everybody else who flew with me. No
bent airplanes, either. I got in clean, I got out clean.
Quite the wuss, eh??! Yeah....rrriiight!! :):)
Cap'n Bob
Basic Frog