I have a big cab Tundra and a tow bar for a Spridget if/when needed...Frank
can fly out to CA and make the trip with us :-)
----- Original Message -----
From "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman at gmail.com>
To: "KGB" <kgb@frontiernet.net>
Cc: "Larry & Sandi Miller" <millerls@ado13.com>; <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [midgetsprite] Re: Bugeye Group..... RE: SOS '05 wrap up
> On 11/30/05, KGB <kgb@frontiernet.net> wrote:
>> > Kate, we really should organize a convoy to WST's place for next SOS.
>> That sounds like fun. A truck for luggage? How many months long is this
>> event, anyway.
> Parts, Kate! Think spare parts!
> A convoy sounds good to me. If you guys come across I-80 we can meet
> you somewhere in Nebraska. More than likely I'll have to trailer the
> Midget
> but we shall see. Not sure I can trust it to make it on the old ribcase
> and
> sure don't wanna have to pull the lump along side the road somewhere!!
> In any case, we'd bring the extra sized cab Chev pickup for Mom and
> the fur kids (and parts).
> Lemme know what everyone decides as soon as Flounder gives us a
> date...
> BTW, Exactly where is "The Dream Farm"? My dad used to teach physics
> at Ripon College right after the war. Haven't been there since about
> 1947-48!!
> Cheers!!
> Jim - slightly disabled Midget in Dodge City
> Your messages not reaching the list?